Dusk maiden of amnesia abridged

kawaii-meme-doge-34 for Yuuko

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: hikarisouh240

Yuuko is the school ghost. She for lack of a  better word haunts Niiya. She is how would we say desiring niiya. She is bored half the time and tries to make a situation better, but usually to no avail and making people uncomfortable.

  • 1:  Kanoe! watch this! [pushes Niiya into elevator] Goalllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 2: [ upset] Come on!  [Throws key chain] You are the worst detective ever. You’re like if batman was stupid.

  • 3: (contemplating) She isn’t the smartest girl is she

Dusk maiden of amnesia abridged

Those accusations are untrue and fictitious.


I will not take this slander to my political name. In a world where all the truth haters label it as lies it is hard to stay afloat. This political river is a rapid that for years I've been able to navigate through, not with ease, but with success. My followers are strong enough and smart enough to know lie from truth. I have been Mr. Kawaii-meme-doge-34's enemy for a long time, he has tried to take me down before with failure. At this time he is not my enemy those who spit nonsense are not worth being enemies with.


    Although, ultimately, you will need to make up your own mind about Mr. Jeremy R Cothren, I have a number of things to say that you may find useful. The points I plan to make in this letter will sound tediously familiar to everyone who wants to champion the force of goodness against the greed of unenlightened, abusive sods. Nevertheless, he has been known to say that trees cause more pollution than automobiles do. That notion is so acrasial, I hardly know where to begin refuting it. Show me where it says he has the right to threaten national security. Perhaps you're wondering why I insist on attacking Jeremy's malice and hypocrisy. It's partly because his obtrusive sentiments promote murder, beatings, humiliation, and more for members of our community, and it's partly because—and this is one of those times when a cliché can acquire renewed force—somebody has to do it. That's why I like to say that Jeremy assumes that his counterproductive psychobabble is based upon a firm and vivid grasp of the concrete truths of life itself. The flip side of that assumption is that I will never give up. I will never stop trying. And I will use every avenue possible to lead a jacquerie against Jeremy. Since this is one of those “don't say I didn't warn you” letters, I want also to note that I've heard Jeremy say that he understands the difference between civilization and savagery. Was that just a slip of the lip, or is Jeremy secretly trying to pursue a twofold credo of quislingism and expansionism? Well, if I knew that, I'd be in Stockholm picking up my prize and a sizable check. He likes digging a grave in which to bury liberty and freedom, which puts him somewhere between an overbearing, self-serving profiteer and a mentally deficient philologaster on the pharisaism org chart. We must also assert with all the sincerity of informed experience and the desperate desire to see our beloved country survive that Jeremy's proposed social programs are continually evolving into more and more profligate incarnations. Here, I'm not just talking about evolution in a simply Darwinist sense; I'm also talking about how one of the bewildering paradoxes of our time is the extent to which Jeremy is willing to blow the whole situation way out of proportion, especially given that he himself would be affected by such actions. He is like a broken record, using the same tired cliches about family and education and safer streets, yet I want to perform noble deeds. But first, let me pose an abstract question. Why can't he live among us in peace? The answer to this riddle lies in the observation that Jeremy says that he needs a little more time to clean up his act. As far as I'm concerned, Jeremy's time has run out. It's astonishing that Jeremy has been able for so long to get away with issuing a flood of bogus legal documents. I can't think of anything that better illustrates the failure of our justice system to deal with such hopeless, inerudite Drawcansirs. He seems incapable of understanding that I think that his self-indulgent, contumacious plans for the future create a mechanism of censorship that begs to be abused and manipulated by those in power. You probably think that too. But Jeremy does not think that. Jeremy thinks that every word that leaves his mouth is teeming with useful information. His desire is somehow to avoid blame for his array of abominable failures—an instructive warning for the future. If he can overawe and befuddle a sufficient number of prominent individuals then it will become virtually impossible for anyone to compare, contrast, and identify the connections among different kinds of prolix faddism. Jeremy's true goal is to squeeze every last drop of blood from our overworked, overtaxed bodies. All the statements that his spinmeisters make to justify or downplay that goal are only apologetics; they do nothing to advocate social change through dialogue, passive resistance, and nonviolence. Now that I think about it, Jeremy will sap people's moral stamina because he possesses a hatred that defies all logic and understanding, that cannot be quantified or reasoned away, and that savagely possesses ludibrious practitioners of gangsterism with obtuse and uncontrollable rage. Now, more than ever, we must see through the haze of Machiavellianism. At this point in the letter, I'd like to categorize for you some of his methods of interpretation. Unfortunately, they're far too officious and snappish to fit neatly into any single, overarching framework, so the best I can do is to convey the message that I would never take a job working for Jeremy. Given his dodgy, temerarious insinuations, who would want to? Of all of Jeremy's exaggerations and incorrect comparisons, one in particular stands out: “Clever one-liners are a valid substitute for actual thinking.” I don't know where he came up with this, but his statement is dead wrong. The predatory demoniacs who collaborate with Jeremy should be spat upon—or worse—for their lack of integrity. There are several logical contradictions in his position on this matter. For example, implying that ebola, AIDS, mad-cow disease, and the hantavirus were intentionally bioengineered by uninformed, demonic soi-disant do-gooders for the purpose of population reduction is no different from implying that Jeremy can achieve his goals by friendly and moral conduct. Both statements are ludicrous. It's sad that Jeremy's most full-throated claim is that education should teach the precepts of pauperism and the duties of man towards detestable schlubs. One would think he could strive for a little more accuracy there. He could perhaps even admit that he adamantly maintains that we have too much freedom. Such beliefs would be absolutely factual if it weren't for reality. As it stands, people used to think I was exaggerating whenever I said that investigators who have spent many years attempting to penetrate the dark recesses of Jeremy's illiberal underworld frequently conclude that poststructuralism has long been Jeremy's lodestar. After seeing Jeremy destroy the heart and fabric of our nation these same people now realize that I wasn't exaggerating at all. In fact, they even realize that one can predict on empirical grounds that sooner or later Jeremy will arrest and detain his critics indefinitely without charge, without trial, and without access to legal counsel. That's the sort of statement that some people think is self-centered but which I believe is merely a statement of fact. And it's a statement that needs to be made because despite his self-image as the primary civilizing force of modern times, the implications of this are obvious. To spell it out, though, if today we don't send his theatrics into the dustbin where they belong, then tomorrow we'll have to put up with him enveloping us in a nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror. Over the past couple of years I have had occasion to evaluate Jeremy's invectives in terms of their ability to bring discord, confusion, and frustration into our personal and public lives. What I have discovered shows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Jeremy is the type of person who will trump up any lie for the occasion, and the more of a thumper it is, the better he likes it. Of course, only through education can individuals gain the independent tools they need to take away as many of Jeremy's opportunities for mischief as possible. But the first step is to acknowledge that his bestial missives cause death by a thousand blows. While no one blow is strong enough, together they invade every private corner and force every thought into a nerdy mold. Let's consider for a moment, though, that maybe Jeremy's musings turn the stomachs of those who know even a little about the real world. Then doesn't it follow that I'm going to stick out my neck here and make the bold statement that we need emulate neither the “do-nothingism” of the complacent nor the hatred and despair of inaniloquent desperados? Jeremy fails to see anything wrong with bringing ugliness and nastiness into our lives. This bespeaks an investment of complex psychic import. That's why it helps to remember that when a child first learns to draw in a coloring book, he or she has no patience for lines and boundaries and so the crayon is spread evenly across the page. I am afraid that Jeremy's proxies have succumbed to this temptation by spreading Jeremy's contemptuous activities throughout society. I insist we must combat this unpatriotic effort by letting everyone know that all of the bad things that are currently going on are a symptom of Jeremy's incorrigible beliefs. They are not a cause; they are an effect. I will stop at nothing to find the common ground that enables others to dole out acerbic criticism of Jeremy and his phalanx of pot-valiant sycophants. My resolve cannot fully be articulated, but it is unyielding. As evidence, consider that I need your help if I'm ever to dispense justice. “But I'm only one person,” you might protest. “What difference can I make?” The answer is: a lot more than you think. You see, most members of our quick-fix, sugar-rush, attention-deficit society are too impatient to realize the importance of pointing out that the emperor has no clothes on. I wish only that a few more people could see that Jeremy may have access to weapons of mass destruction. Then again, I consider him to be a weapon of mass destruction himself. Finally, if you read through this letter and understood everything that I said, I would be proud to shake your hand. Even if you followed only a few points, I believe that you are now a step closer to realizing that Mr. Jeremy R Cothren's hostile deeds are part of the workforce training agenda for the global planned economy.


      I guess you would like to shake my hand then. I have read through all of your heresy in that letter, and while I would like to put you in prison I know my boundaries. Unlike some who have many a rape allegation against to which there is so much evidence that you should be in jail. I would like to point out that " trees cause... Pollution" was an avoid joke. Pointing out how some can take such harmless fun and turn it into a deal of out rageious proportions. And you sir are no less of a Hypocrite than I. As you say my policies are violent, but you propose a jacquerie. A big word to make you look like the good guy. When you say jacquerei you mean a revolt. How ever these can be peaceful, but I have yet to see a completely peaceful protest in my 60 years of life on the greatest country in the world. My policy for education is rock solid. Statistics show that students are graduating more than any other generation before them. Not because school is too easy or they are being forced, but because the change I have made has brought these kids closer to education then you or I have ever been introduced in high school. I do the best I can to keep this country up. It might be cliché but sometimes extreme force is necessary. And I admire Mr.meme


      For standing up for what he believes is right. Even if he is wrong he is doing the most any of us should and can do. And peace is the goal. Wether it is acquired by force is unimportant. All that matters is that it is here. I retract what I said as I know mr meme will take it to the extreme. It does matter how peace is acquired. Through a holocaust is a line crossed, but I have not and will not do that. As I do not discriminate against. What I mean is that the peace that exist now was achieved by neccacery force. No ameicans died and no Americans shall die in my search for peace across this great nation which I continue to support. You say I want to squeeze work out of my citizens like they are oranges. But when life gives you lemons you make lemonade. The people that work for me are top notch. And appreciate working for a top notch leader. And when you said I say dumb things and that I am a user and a debaucherous man is a low blow. My struggle and conquer of addiction is not your buissness. I have quit that is all you need to know. "Clever one liners are avid substitutes for actual thinking" was said at a party, that yes I partook in the consumption of alcohol, while I pretended to be lord Henry from Dorian gray. As you can see this man who once said " Beauty is a form of genius is higher and deeper then genius as it needs no explanation" this was said at a party when he was talking to one of his alleged rape victims. You claim I hate freedom. Sir I am an American I stand for freedom. But too much freedom is a thing which is why we have laws. You say I dig a grave and burry freedom. Well sir I would just be doing th appropriate action of what would happen you were to be elected. As a man who hates women, or loves them too much. A man who has said " freedom is a right" I disagree. Freedom is a necessity of living in this country. Freedom is not a right, but a heritage to which can never be taken away. As you want claim I want to censor. I want to censor what is to dark and brutal for the public to know. You want to release all the information out there. Chaos would insue. You say I support discord, but you sir, you would cause it. If you look at the data our country is better than ever. Our military is 4x stronger our cities are 2x less poor and our economy is being rebuilt bye what the previous owner left it in. You have insulted me sir. I am surprised that you have not dubbed my Jeremy Stalin CothrOn yet. I do my best. What would you suppose I change mr. Meme? Thank you for you time, and God bless America.


        Mr. Jeremy R Cothron has had his say, and this is mine. Those readers of brittle disposition might do well to await a ride on the next emotionally indulgent transport; this one is scheduled nonstop over rocky roads. As soon as you're strapped in I'll announce something to the effect of how when I hear Jeremy's dupes parrot the party line—that serfdom and slavery do not represent oppression unless the serfs or the slaves themselves “articulate” that oppression—I see them not as people but as machines. The appropriate noises are coming out of their larynges, but their brains are not involved as they would be if they were thinking about how Jeremy's disciples hold on to a group identity despite its insufficiencies because for most of them it's the closest they have ever gotten to having a unified voice. As long as I live, I will be shouting this truth from rooftops and doing everything I can to carry out this matter to the full extent of the law. To understand Jeremy's motives, I assert that we must examine the deep culture of Jeremy's association of neurotic philosophasters—its key psychosocial traits, good and bad. If we do so, I predict we'll discover that Jeremy has been making a lot of noise about how his announcements are Holy Writ. Now you might find such claims so unredeemingly repulsive and ignominious that they would fall of their own weight, that they couldn't possibly have any effect on the public at large. Well, think again. In particular, think about how what really upsets me is that Jeremy wants to promulgate partisan prejudice against others. To top that off, even if scientific evidence established that all it takes to start a rabbit farm is a magician's magic hat, it would still be the case that Jeremy wouldn't be able to provide acrasial conspiracies with the necessary asylum to take root and spread if he were working on a level playing field. We can therefore conclude that Jeremy needs to stop living in denial. He needs to wake up and realize that his coven is a sterile bubble of ultracrepidarianism. Everyone inside the bubble wants to tear down everything that can possibly be regarded as a support of cultural elevation. In contrast, everyone outside the bubble agrees that if you've read this far then you probably either agree with me or are on the way to agreeing with me. Jeremy considers all of his competitors to be possession-obsessed litigious-types—or worse. When describing them, Jeremy lets some of the most dangerous, ignorant, and shrewish words I've ever heard pass through his lips, words that serve no purpose other than to bring home the point that some people think it's a bit extreme of me to tackle the multinational death machine that Jeremy is currently constructing—a bit over the top, perhaps. Well, what I ought to remind such people is that Jeremy insists that the purpose of life is self-gratification. This is complete—or at least, incomplete—baloney. For instance, Jeremy fails to mention that if you think you can escape from his antisocial, saturnine polemics, then good-bye and good luck. To the rest of you I suggest that Jeremy is more than merely unprofessional. He's über-unprofessional. In fact, Jeremy is so unprofessional that no one today believes that he knows 100% of everything 100% of the time. There are several logical contradictions in Jeremy's position on this matter. For example, I have to wonder where he got the idea that it is my view that he is beyond reproach. This sits hard with me because it is simply not true, and I've never written anything to imply that it is. Sciolism, frotteurism, and irreligionism follow Jeremy's footsteps. Wherever he goes, such things are sure to sprout up. The implication is that Jeremy will introduce a zeitgeist of revanchism to our society because he possesses a hatred that defies all logic and understanding, that cannot be quantified or reasoned away, and that savagely possesses salacious spouters with doctrinaire and uncontrollable rage. Who is he to say that better governance can be achieved by granting profitable concessions, permits, waivers, zoning variances, monopolies, and other such political machinations to his guild? You should know that it's not yet illegal to navigate a safe path between the Scylla of Jeremy's bestial, sick-minded slogans and the Charybdis of racialism. Jeremy is working on that, though. I suspect that before the year is over, we'll no longer be allowed to state in public that Jeremy's tender and delicate adjustments and readjustments of his convictions may succeed at convincing a few lusk, twisted spongers that he does the things he does “for the children”. Nevertheless, Jeremy says that he values our perspectives. This is noxious falsehood. The truth is that if we fail in our task of getting him off our backs, then Jeremy will break down traditional values. From secret-handshake societies meeting at “the usual place” to back-door admissions committees, Jeremy's lieutenants have always found a way to make adversarial grizzlers out to be something they're not. Don't get me wrong; Jeremy suffers from a pathology of delusion. But I see how important Jeremy's nerdy ruminations are to his backers and I laugh. I laugh because somewhere in the great morass of ignorance that is our untaught history lies the revelation that nobody seems to realize that his meretricious, snappish contrivances threaten life, limb, and property. I'll say that again because I want it to sink in: I've known a number of honorable people who have laid down their lives to reinforce what is best in people. Without exception, these people understood deeply that the neopaganism “debate” is not a debate. It is a harangue, a politically motivated, brilliantly publicized, treasonous attack on progressive ideas. I don't want this to sound like sour grapes, but Jeremy doesn't want us to point the high-powered fire hose of truth at his disingenuous orations to wash away their multiple layers of escapism. He wants us to behave like sheep, not showing any inclination to saunter off in a direction other than that in which the shepherd (Jeremy) wants us to go. Jeremy intends to keep us sheep blissfully ignorant of the fact that he says he'll confuse, disorient, and disunify if anyone dare threaten the existence of his claque. What's scary is that “threaten” can be defined in an almost unlimited number of ways. For instance, Jeremy might consider it threatening if one were to claim that his perversions are based on hate. Hate, sadism, and an intolerance of another viewpoint, another way of life. I surely avouch that we should advance freedom in countries strangled by tyranny, and I have formalized my commitment to this high ideal by ensuring that I always build a working consensus to tackle big problems. Please forgive my directness, but Jeremy thinks we want him to interfere with my efforts to focus on the major economic, social, and political forces that provide the setting for the expression of a harebrained agenda. Excuse me, but maybe he proclaims that children should get into cars with strangers who wave lots of yummy candy at them. In the long run, however, he's only fooling himself. Jeremy would be better off if he just admitted to himself that he has found a way to avoid compliance with government regulations, circumvent any further litigation, and legitimize the fear and hatred of the privileged for the oppressed—all by trumping up a phony emergency. Jeremy makes a living out of Leninism. I call this tactic of his “entrepreneurial Leninism”. Jeremy and his devotees have doubtlessly raised entrepreneurial Leninism to a fine art by using it to teach the next generation how to hate—and whom to hate. Jeremy's editorials are a cesspool of recidivism. The mere mention of that fact guarantees that this letter will never get published in any mass-circulation periodical over which Jeremy has any control. But that's inconsequential because implying that Man's eternal search for Truth is a challenge to be avoided at all costs is no different from implying that we're supposed to shut up and smile when Jeremy says inficete things. Both statements are ludicrous. He talks out of both sides of his mouth, but I won't linger on that. I support the way of willing exchange, of common consent, of self-responsibility, of open opportunity. Jeremy, in contrast, supports moving high-handed, malignant careerism from the scurrilous fringe into a realm of respectability. This difference in what we each support indicates that it may seem at first that in the coming days, his lies will be exposed and the truth can be spread. When we descend to details, however, we see that it doesn't really matter why Jeremy wants to preach fear and ignorance. Whether it's due to a misplaced faith in serfism, bribes paid to Jeremy by alabandical Philistines, or nagging from some of the stupid evildoers in his coalition of discourteous, abusive derelicts and conceited fraudsters, the fact remains that that's what Jeremy wants. What I want, in contrast, is to notify you that the objection may still be raised that he is able to abrogate the natural order of effects flowing from causes. At first glance this sounds almost believable yet the following must be borne in mind: The ultimate aim of his actions is to restructure society as a pyramid with Jeremy at the top, Jeremy's hirelings directly underneath, uppity, stinking disinformation artists beneath them, and the rest of at the bottom. This new societal structure will enable Jeremy to transform our society into a moonstruck war machine, which makes me realize that his activities are geared toward the continuation of social stratification under the rubric of “tradition”. Funny, that was the same term that Jeremy's toadies once used to etiolate his castigators. This point is so important that it deserves a separate discussion, which I'll provide in a moment. But first, let me just say that Jeremy's apostles profess that “Jeremy could do a gentler and fairer job of running the world than anyone else.” First off, that's a lousy sentence. If they had written instead that McCarthyism is a weapon of militarism then that quote would have had more validity. As it stands, my sources tell me that Jeremy intends to impose ideology, control thought, and punish virtually any behavior he disapproves of one day. Not on my watch! I am therefore calling upon all good citizens to expose the shaky foundations upon which his worthless allocutions are bulwarked. Here's some news for people who are surprised by sunrise: I plan to push the envelope on our knowledge of the world around us. Are you with me—or against me? Whatever you decide, Jeremy just keeps on saying, “I don't give a [expletive deleted] about you. I just want to extend an upas shadow over all that is right and good.” He insists that he has no choice but to eroticize relations of dominance and subordination. His reasoning is that the goodness of something is in direct proportion only to the amount of adventurism in said thing. Yes, I realize that that argument makes no sense, but Jeremy avers that “the norm” shouldn't have to worry about how the exceptions feel. How can he be so blind? Very easily. Basically, as a dynamic, historical current, nosism has taken many different forms and has evolved dramatically in a variety of ways. That's the sort of statement that some people feel is crass but which I believe is merely a statement of fact. And it's a statement that needs to be made because Jeremy's jackals have been running around recently trying to control your bank account, your employment, your personal safety, and your mind. Meanwhile, Jeremy has been preparing to scrawl pro-antiheroism graffiti over everything. The whole episode smacks of a carefully orchestrated operation. If you ask me, Jeremy's hysteria-producing lamentations are sufficient to give pause to the less thoughtful among us. “Uh-oh,” such people think. “We'd better help Jeremy operate on a criminal—as opposed to a civil disobedience—basis—just in case.” Jeremy supports a wide variety of hastily mounted campaigns. Some are piteous; others are wayward. A few openly support Pyrrhonism. Although some vain, gloomy phonies reluctantly concede that procacious Trotskyism is merely a symptom of the disease called “Jeremy-ism”, they invariably deny that many people are convinced that the success of Jeremy's barbs relies upon the average voter not knowing whether our nation has gone communist, socialist, fascist, or merely insane. I can't comment on that, but I can say that he has managed to mollify his more trusting critics simply by promising not to force me to undergo “treatment” to cure my “problem”. We shall see how long that lasts. In the meantime, one can consecrate one's life to the service of a noble idea or a glorious ideology. Jeremy, however, is more likely to replace our timeless traditions with his contumacious ones. Let me sum up. Mr. Jeremy R Cothron expects people to bow and scrape before him.


          I am a very busy man. I would like to write more about Mr. Meme but I believe it is also a waist of my very important free time that I can have. I am offended that you say I hate people. People I do not hate. However the actions of said people appall me. Those doing said actions must be stopped. I also noticed your use of labels. -isms and the like. I also noticed that you shy away from your self. I am writing this directly to you mr. Meme and cutting out the middle man that is the media. This nation is free and shall remain that way any -ism besides libertarian is a false equivalency. I also appall the notion that I am beyond self evaluation. All of my actions have not been the best. I should not have of raised the tax bill. But you see had I not done America would be quintillions in debt. Thanks to me the debt has gone down. I notice that you have not mentioned any good qualities of my self mr. Meme. I hope you do the same as I do and just cut out the middle man Sincerely, Jeremy R Cothron


            It has been, as our ancestors used to say, many moons since last I graced you with one of my glorious animadversions about Mr. Jeremy R Cothron's unpleasant hate sheets. With this letter I intend to propitiate my regular readers with a look at Mr. Cothron's desire to institutionalize sex discrimination by requiring different standards of protection and behavior for men and women. As I'm sure you're aware, he has been fighting hard to sacrifice children on the twin altars of radicalism and greed. This letter is intended to address the issue of how most effectively to fight back. Our choice of strategy is critical because Mr. Cothron decries or dismisses capitalism, technology, industrialization, and systems of government borne of Enlightenment ideas about the dignity and freedom of human beings. These are the things that he fears because they are wedded to individual initiative and responsibility. Mr. Cothron's propaganda factories continuously spew forth messages like, “Undiscoverable, unmeasurable, magical forces from another plane of existence have given Mr. Cothron superhuman wisdom” and, “Mr. Cothron is renowned for his racial and cultural sensitivity”. What they don't tell you, though, is that Mr. Cothron avouches that truth is whatever your grievance group says it is. That story is full of more holes than a cheap hooker with a piercing fetish and a heroin habit. I discussed this topic in a previous letter so I will not go into great detail now, but I insist I know why Mr. Cothron has been marginalizing me based on my gender, race, or religion. He considers it an interesting sociological experiment for determining whether people can be influenced to persuade many of his nemeses to enter into a one-way “dialogue” with him. So maybe he trumpets vile feudalism laced with unrestrained rowdyism. Big deal. What's more important is that he's known for operating in the gray area between legitimate activity and sinful adversarialism. This is not only a grotesque betrayal of the principles that Mr. Cothron himself claims to uphold but a clear demonstration of how unlike everyone else in the world, Mr. Cothron seriously believes that he's a saintly figure—philanthropic, noble, and wise. Woo woooo! Here comes the clue train. Last stop: Mr. Cothron. If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem. To inform you of the grounds upon which I base my jibes, I offer the following. The term “idiot savant” comes to mind when thinking of Mr. Cothron. Admittedly, that term applies only halfway to him, which is why I maintain that I sometimes see well-meaning people swallow Mr. Cothron's lie that he has the linguistic prowess to produce a masterwork of meritorious literature. To my mind, shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. That's why I wish that all decent people realized that many members of Mr. Cothron's absenteeism outfit believe that Mr. Cothron would sooner give up money, fame, power, and happiness than perform an unsympathetic act. Even worse, almost all of Mr. Cothron's confidants believe that Mr. Cothron's decisions are based on reason. (One would think that the mammalian brain could do better than that, but apparently not.) My point is that all Mr. Cothron really wants is to hang onto the perks he's getting from the system. That's all he really cares about. Now why all this fuss about a few vilipensive missives? Simply put, it's because Mr. Cothron has said that tactless personæ non gratæ are the most oppressed people in our society. Furthermore, the language Mr. Cothron used to say that demonstrates exhibitionism and maybe the onset of early senility. Whether you call it “tuchungism”, “oligarchism”, or “zabernism”, it is alive and well in Mr. Cothron's vaporings. It's what convinced me that Mr. Cothron's spokesmen are engaged in perpetual one-upmanship over who more deeply enjoys Mr. Cothron's jokes. These are the sorts of people who can't stomach the fact that Mr. Cothron denies ever having tried to provide material support for terrorism. I assume he's merely trying to cover his posterior, as the truth is that reasonable expectation dictates that Mr. Cothron would never sensationalize all of the issues. Reasonable expectation, however, is regularly disappointed. In point of fact, some of you are probably wondering, “How much is the axis of evil paying Mr. Cothron to gum up what were once great ideas?” The answer to this riddle lies in the observation that every time Mr. Cothron tells his menials that he is entitled to encumber the religious idea with too many things of a purely earthly nature and thus bring religion into a totally unnecessary conflict with science, their eyes roll into the backs of their heads as they become mindless receptacles of unsubstantiated information, which they accept without question. Should we worry that Mr. Cothron wants to practice human sacrifice on a grand scale in some sort of incontinent death cult? In a word, yes. And that's not just because to avoid producing another generation of prejudice and inequity we must give peace a chance but also because Mr. Cothron's view is that inconsiderate rapscallions and soulless four-flushers should rule this country. That's his message in a nutshell, and his underlings find themselves judged largely on their willingness to echo it. Of course, such pro-censorship astrologers also fail to see that whenever Mr. Cothron wants to convince someone that his fibs enhance performance standards, productivity, and competitiveness, he turns instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink. These words and idioms are intended to distract the listener from noticing that I often see uppity, noisome hermits shoving angst-laden Comstockism down our collective throats. Should we blame white privilege, hegemonic masculinity, heteronormativity, and internalized oppression? No, we should blame Mr. Cothron because once you understand Mr. Cothron's press releases, you have a responsibility to do something about them. To know, to understand, and not to act, is an egregious sin of omission. It is the sin of silence. It is the sin of letting Mr. Cothron judge people by the color of their skin while ignoring the content of their character. Finding the best way to point out that the emperor has no clothes on is a challenging problem indeed. We must therefore tackle this problem with more determination, more tenacity, and more fanaticism than it has ever been tackled before. Only then will people realize that Nature is a wonderful teacher. For instance, the lesson that Nature teaches us from newly acephalous poultry is that you really don't need a brain to run around like a dang fool making a spectacle of yourself. Nature also teaches us that Mr. Cothron's servitors don't want us to provide an atmosphere of mutual respect, free from tammanyism, Marxism, and all other forms of prejudice and intolerance. That'd be too much of a threat to larrikinism, desperadoism, and all of the other disloyal things they worship. Clearly, they prefer increasing alienation and delinquency among our young people. It's not easy for me to say this, but the only thing more dishonest than an obstinate hooligan is a jealous obstinate hooligan. There, I said it. Now I can continue with my previous point, which is that Mr. Cothron's tirades are based on hate. Hate, alarmism, and an intolerance of another viewpoint, another way of life. Who among you reading these words is not moved to encourage our spirits to soar? What is Mr. Cothron's current objective? As usual, there are multiple objectives: to peddle fake fears to the public, to force onto us the degradation and ignominy that Mr. Cothron is known to revel in, and to substitute rumor and gossip for bona fide evidence. I assume that everyone reading this is already intimately familiar with the notion that we must always be looking towards the future while keeping the past in mind. Hence, I'll spare you the sordid details and say only that a man is known by the company he keeps. That's why I urge you to consider the Chaucerian panorama of nutters in Mr. Cothron's band: cranky bohemians, pigheaded autocrats, and the worst types of splenetic, power-hungry scatterbrains I've ever seen, just to name a few. It's almost as if Mr. Cothron wants us to think that I have a plan to cast a ray of light on his acrasial endeavors. I call this plan “Operation defend peace, truth, justice, and equality”. (Granted, I need a shorter, catchier name, but that one will do for now.) My plan's underlying motif is that I've long thought it would be fun to try to explain to Mr. Cothron how resistentialism is in his DNA. For the most part, I'm just curious as to how deep Mr. Cothron will have to dig into his profanity thesaurus to formulate a response. Okay, I've written enough for one letter, so let me just finish by saying that so far, the response from Mr. Jeremy R Cothron's camp has been tardy and equivocal.

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