

Joined Jul 2016 9 Following0 Followers
About tempest

Hello! I've converted this account into casting-only account mainly because I've been doing more projects rather than auditioining for them. As such, you'll see that my account is pretty bare bones as I've practically purged all audition stuff on it. I don't do much voice acting nowadays anyway as I've found doing projects to be much more fun for me.

Most of my projects tend to be hidden away soon after I cast someone so as to avoid any 'leaking'. Especially considering that I don't want my subscribers to know what I'm working on next and would rather much release info when I think the time is right. It gives me more flexibility as to what I should focus on rather than what I should work on depending on schedule.

Some of the projects I'll be posting will not be directed by me, though. But I'll make sure to point that out.