Tiger Tilldawn

Tiger Tilldawn

Joined Feb 2018 17 Following0 Followers
About Tiger Tilldawn

Just an average weird person with ADHD who wants to help out people with there roleplays all I want in return is for people to help me when I need help.

Gunny Fraderiki is a great friend of mine and is just lovely i love her deeply as a friend and when she says she made kiba and them all when she was six its not fully true but its not a lie either me and her made the characters together she just forgets that. 
Another sorry for not being on for an eternity or so, i wasn't on cuz of a lot of bull shit and other. 
Note: Just know i'm trying and really do want the rp's and everything to be a success.

I'm judged for who i am and bullied so if your just another person that wants to bully me fine, but understand that i am not going to take any of your bs cause i'm finally standing up for myself and i don't need you ruining my life just because you have low self esteem or some shit. 

Reason why i left casting call club:

I was being bullied by some people, but some people were supporters and people i really wanted to work with, and i left for a while and was not on working on the projects writing process and shit. Some person decided to go tell everyone that this rp isn't happening, they all should leave so they all listened to a jack ass who didn't know shit and all my work was for nothing you know why because of that one person who decided, cause he was mad at me and giving me shit, he got rid of everybody who i had casted for that project and said it wasn't happening anymore when it was going to happen and during that project and me not being online i was dealing with my mom having surgery, my grandpa having surgery, and people who i cared about dying or ending up in the hospital. So if you do not respect my project or do not respect me and have the audacity to just be a complete jerk to me i will block you and tell everyone i know, to block you and delete your audition. Cause i do not want to deal with what i did in the past in future projects.