

Joined Jun 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About JoshW_VA

Hey, I'm Josh.

I have a decade of theater acting under my belt with varying degrees of roles.
I've been interested in doing voice acting to diversify my background.

In terms of roles, I have done a fair amount of scenes from shows such as Saturday Night Live (as Matt Foley), The Amanda Show, etc. I have also performed in Hairspray as Edna Turnblad (Yes, singing and dancing in full-drag!).  I have played quite a lot of Dungeons and Dragons, so I am used to improving voices and lines as well. I have run several campaigns of my own, and been a player in MANY others.

I am no stranger to odd voices and slightly weird lines. I am able to memorize lines very quickly, and am always open to critiques and guidance towards whatever you have in mind for your characters.

My Discord is Het#4777 if you would like to contact me directly.