

Joined Aug 2017 11 Following1 Followers
About Ezaplays

Hi my name is Eza, I go to a specialised art college in England, learning how to animate whilst taking a graphics course. I love doing voice acting as a hobby for other people as well as playing video games like: Minecraft, BOTW, Splatoon, and many more. I am also part of a few minecraft roleplays that are currently a work in progress, as well as my own. For these roleplays I do building, voice acting, body acting and thumbnails. I also have a youtube channel that I love doing, I make mostly minecraft videos and art videos as well as some other gameplay. I love doing this as a sparetime thing, I tend to upload 1-2 times a week.

  • @ooperlini

    I have been in may a project with Eza, I have received voice work from and given her voice work. We have work side by side in some projects, even through the projects haven't been aired she is someone I highly suggest looking into for a voice. She has an amazing voice, she can goof of and be weird but she is a hard worker at times. I can truly say this, over the last 9 months of working side by side with her, she has become one of my best friend. I hope that anyone who is reading this will see how amazing the person is.