2019Completed https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLacjIPXc94xCvzmLsuc-umK3jD0V9FlVj

During my time with G.L.G I voiced in 3 different series, as 3 different main characters. I voiced as Toy Bonnie in “FNAF: Help Wanted”, Olivia in “Thornhill Academy”, Gina in “Missing”, and some other smaller roles. I worked under one of their YouTube channels “Melodream Mysteries”, and occasionally one or two others. On their channels they created various different Minecraft roleplays where the actors would improv using a very loose script. I voiced in over a hundred of their videos, but unfortunately most of them have been removed since then. I had a lot of fun during my time with G.L.G, and I will always honor my work experience with them. I worked with in a paid position with them from early 2019 to early 2020. 
