Darkest Dungeon: Koala's Creature Collection Journals

Darkest Dungeon: Koala's Creature Collection Journals

Project Overview


Hello all,

The Marvin Seo Journals are complete. Now, we're moving on to the journals found in the massive monster expansion by Anonymous_Koala: Koala Creature Collection. Written by verywhale


  1. Please have a decent mic with little to no background noise. As this will be an audio heavy project good sound quality is needed.

  2. You may need to switch between softer voices and louder voices to add to the atmosphere. Some characters will require shouting, heavy (almost dying) breathing, panicking etc. so don't be afraid to let out your wild side but remember to keep the audio quality good.

  3. Deadlines are not set in stone so don't panic and try to give a rushed performance

  4. Don't harass other people on their auditions. Provide helpful feedback and advice. We're all here to grow and learn, we might as well get along with each other.

  5. You must be available for communication and have a decent response time.

  6. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to DM me on Casting Call Club or on Discord Matt_Man#2674

  7. Have fun!


Since this is a fan project I don't have the funds to pay, but I will write you a recommendation and do everything I can to make sure you get as much exposure as possible.

Final Notes:

We'll primarily be in communication via Discord, so you can either leave your tag in your audition or not and if you get the role I'll DM you on CCC instead. 

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Latest Updates

  • Project is complete. Enjoy!

  • Casting Time

    Hello everyone, Amazing performances with the auditions. Absolutely brilliant. I'll be listening to them all and be making a decision soon. If you're casted you'll be contacted by me in some shape or form, either CCC or Discord. Thank you all so much for the support and the involvement I can't wait to get started. Stay safe and stay awesome! -Matt
  • Deadlines Approaching and After Casting

    Hello everyone, Amazing performances on the auditions so far. We have a few days left, so if there is a role you want to try out for now's the time. Just an update on how things will go if you get the part. I will message you either on CCC or Discord to verify that you are still interested in the role. I'll get everyone together in a group chat to explain how I want the voice files sent to me. Good luck and I can't wait to get started! -Matt
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Margaret, The Musketeer
Role assigned to: Renara Hawke

Margaret, The Musketeer, is one of the many heroes who come to the hamlet. She came to this land after she lost a shooting competition because one of her targets suddenly turned into a demon eye and caused her to miss her shot. She the came in second place and was disgraced, and ashamed of herself.

By all accounts, she is an amazing shot but not much in terms of practical use. She was once part of a well-off family since her main goals were fame and prestige but now are about hunting down monsters. She should sort of come off as part of high-society, but realizing that the world is far different than how it seems. She would initially come off as out of her depth but by the end come to terms with her new surroundings.

We put her as a young adult, somewhere around her mid-20s (26-29 ish)

Any accent will work as long as it is consistent and believable to the world of Darkest Dungeon (Something European in the 1800s)

  • (Talking about the traits she learned during her time at the Estate, like showing the ropes to a new recruit)

    Among these walking bones and living stones, it's hard to remember what's supposed to stay dead and still when you attack it. Now I've learned to fire my musket at everything, even if it happens to be a waste.

  • (Remembering the pain from the ritual, and how different it was compared to everything else)

    The witch lifted her staff, choosing me for her ritual, and it was followed by pain. Not the same kind you would feel from claws, teeth or bullets. It cut my soul deep and exposed it to the strange realm, where the walls collapsed, the sky lost the familiar colour, and no living thing was around, but only an evil eye glared into me.

  • (Feeling a sense of regret for coming to this land and realization for killing another human)

    I don't know why she did it. I came to this horrid land to hunt, to hone my skills and buy a modicum of peace from my failures. I'd never killed a human before.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Willam, The Houndmaster
Role assigned to: Zamoody

Willam, The Houndmaster, is and I quote: "A tough and uncommonly compassionate ex-lawman"

He was once a lawman but left after the missing girl he had been searching for was actually killed by his fellow lawmen. He then left to the Hamlet to bring a sense of justice and order to the land, along with his best friend, his wolfhound. As stated above he is a tough but kind lawman. He deeply cares for his wolfhound, but also other animals he has had in the past and he sees in the woods. He is upset by the horrible, malformed, and twisted creatures he encounters during his journey through the woods.

We put him down as somewhere in his 30s

Any accent will work as long as it is consistent and believable to the world of Darkest Dungeon (Something European in the 1800s)
(He may also be French but that's not a requirement)

  • (Explaining the mission and the bizarre creatures in the woods, disgusted by the bird and it's children)

    There's something in the woods that looks like a bird. It's big and purple-black and it has six eyes. It steals like a magpie and smells like a sewer. I saw one of its children and it made me think of my bird. It was an awful, squirming thing, trying to flap its wings, dropping bits of dead flesh.

  • (Wondering why anyone would want to live in these woods. Last sentence should come off as spiteful and vengeful with a hint of sarcasm) 

    Makes me wonder what those witches see in all that foulness. Maybe I'll ask the last one before we kill her.

  • (Irritated that he can't recall what happened)

    Damn, wanted to write "the world turned white", "the time stopped", like something you read in the books. But I can't remember.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Barristan, The Man-At-Arms
Role assigned to: Thewritevictor

Barristan, the Man-At-Arms, is a tough as nails old veteran of war. He is a master of strategy and tactics having fought in many wars and battles over his long life. He analyzes the threats in the Warrens from both the Swine-Folk, the diseases, and the various other creatures that live in the filth underground.

He should come off as a serious but kind-hearted man, with a genuine concern for his companions. Like he's trying to pass on his wisdom before he dies, of either natural causes or from the various creatures in the Warrens

He is one of the older characters in the game so we put him down as a senior. In his 60s since his hair is practically gone or grayed.

Any accent will work as long as it is consistent and believable to the world of Darkest Dungeon (Something European in the 1800s)

  • (Concerned about how human the swine are appearing)

    The more I fight these beasts, the more human they seem. It's disconcerting. I'm certain they've adopted some of the tactics we use.

  • (Comparing the swine to an organized army)

    The more I think on it, the more convinced I am that the swine are organizing. You can tell by the way they move, the way they deploy themselves. Infantry to the fore, support units like their drummers and those damnable skivers in the rear, cavalry positioned to charge.

  • (Feeling foolish for missing the threat of disease)

    With all my fretting about the swine organizing, it's easy to forget about the real threat of the Warrens. That damnable, everpresent filth. Every soldier will tell you the worst is the disease. I've been sicker down here than I've ever been in my life.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alhazred, The Occultist
Role assigned to: Jezroth

Alhazred, the Occultist, is a well educated scholar with knowledge of the occult and various rituals. He utilizes his dagger and dark abilities to fight the abyss. His exact origins are shrouded in mystery but it's implied that he made some sort of deal with an eldritch god for his powers, and that's what brought him to the Estate. That he plans to kill this god with the very same powers it grated him.

He talks about the various creatures he encounters in the Cove, ranging from Pelagic to ghost pirates. He takes this all better than most since he has extensive experience with the dark arts, preferring to look at things more academically. This will slowly wear away though as he encounters more and more horrific creatures.

We put him down as middle-aged. Around 35-45 years old.

For this character we would prefer an Arabic accent if possible. Please, do not be offensive.

  • (Impressed with Margaret's skills but concerned by how she's changing)

    Two days out on this expedition, and only one protective ward activated so far. Morale low. Supplies low. But Margaret scouted out a den of brigands, and we appropriated their fire and food after sending them to their reward. She's changing. We all are.

  • (Stressed by how many creatures he's slayed)

    The swine, the other fishmen? The Siren who calls endlessly in the sea? How many of the creatures I have slain were once men?

  • (Contemplating how the creatures view them)

    Whether it had a true mind or was simply urged on by the sea-folk I do not know. We slew it all the same. It makes me wonder what a visitor from the far reaches would think. Do they react to our realm and appearance as we do to theirs?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Unnamed Vestal
Role assigned to: Jett Barker

The Unnamed Vestal is someone who is losing their mind. She is part of a church that worships the light of the holy flame. She is considered to be a pious and devoted to the faith but she witnessed something so terrible, so horrifying that they became afflicted with madness.

This is a relatively small role in the beginning but still will set up the rest of the story for the characters.

Any accent will work as long as it is consistent and believable to the world of Darkest Dungeon (Something European in the 1800s)

  • (Initially calm, but gradually becoming more horrified and scared)  

    I saw the eye. The eye, the eyes, THE EYE, gods of Light, the EYE! and I cannot rest.

  • (Paranoid)

    They are watching. I see them in windows and peering around the corners of mirrors. I can hear the susurrus of their regard, caressing my skin, the hair on my arms raising as they rake me with their awful gaze!

  • (Panicking)

    Blind my heart and soul to their presence! Gods! I found it beneath their altars, tore it from the book with palsied fingers, and now I know what I must do.


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