

Joined Aug 2019 4 Following8 Followers
About Thewritevictor

Writer/Photographer/Actor/Conservationist/Creative person

Just a dude making his way through this crazy game we call Life.

  • @mercurytheatrepodcaster

    Victor was extremely easy to work with. Although his role in the production I cast him for was minor, he nailed it. He will always be shortlisted in any of my projects he applies for in my future episodes.

  • @renarahawke

    I worked with Victor on MattMan's Darkest Dungeon: The Creature Collectors Video.
    His work as Barristan, The Man-at-arm's was brilliant! He has a knack for being able to texture his voice in different ways and is able to keep it going constantly for long periods of time. He is also able to remain clear and understandable whilst maintaining these difficult vocal textures.
    I would recommend him for any project, he's talented, easy-going and friendly.
    I'm excited to see him in more projects ^^