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I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, and Writer
Ello! Welcome to the CCC of Kamren The Person!
Here is some of my work if you are interested in watching my contentĀ (Tomura Shigaraki vs SCP-049 - Rap Battle) (Baldi vs Monika - Rap Battle)

I am a teenager who makes rap battles (go figure lmao) and I also usually dab into writing/singing/acting so yeet.
If you are interested in making contact with me, feel free to dm me on either here or Discord (Kamren#3128)
Anyway, have a good day and stay tuned for more upcoming projects!
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: video editing
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Writer
Voice work and writing. Can sing if role requires.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
I'm 20 years old, a theatre arts major who is experienced in live stage theatre (mostly musical theatre) and am dipping my toes into voice acting.It is also on my bucket list to play Dungeons and Dragons with a group of voice actors.

Need to contact me?:Discord: Nat20#5747
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female teen
Skills and Interests: singing voice acting
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Audio Engineer, and Writer
An autistic neurodivergent amateur voice actor and writer looking to get myself out there, whether it be for Sonic the Hedgehog or other stuff
Check me out when I audition!!
Speaks: english
Rabbits are the best! - Les lapins sont les meilleurs !
I am a Voice Actor and Writer
- 20 ansĀ - ComĆ©dien de doublage amateur : Voix aiguĆ« et mĆ©diumĀ - Auteur de š“©š“øš“øš“½š“øš“¹š“²š“® les ombres du passĆ©Un gars juste chill, kiffant le doublage et l'humour ^^
English :
- 20 years old- Amateur voice actor : High and middle voice- Author of "š“©š“øš“øš“½š“øš“¹š“²š“® les ombres du passĆ©"Just a chill dude, loving the dubbing and the humor ^^
Speaks: french
neko's impressions ā™Ŗ
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Writer
hi! i go by neko, i use he/they pronouns, i'm in my early 20s, and i am an aspiring voice actor, singer, and streamer! i've been practicing voice acting since roughly age 13 though i don't have much to show for it due to some complications with my health, and have been classically trained as a singer since i was around 6! my voice specifications tend to trend towards soprano, but my range goes from high mezzo soprano to alto 1. i enjoy doing impressions from genshin impact and various animes, and i'm very much looking to develop a repertoire! my discord tag isĀ nekovenomVA#5212
Speaks: english
Strive to be a jack of all trades
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
My name is Peyton or Lucky if you know me from Discord! I'm 18 and I am relatively new to Casting Call Club. I've always wanted to get into voice acting but never had the confidence. While I still am a bit shy, I feel as if I've grown significantly as a person over the year. I currently work as a waitress and attend online college courses, so while my schedule is fairly flexible, bear with me. I'll try to be available as possible, and I almost always have my phone on me to check Discord and email frequently.
In regards to voice acting, I have a higher to mid-range voice. I enjoy doing characters who speak in a softer tone since that's most natural to me. Nonetheless, I am open to anything!
Speaks: english
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