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Achieved a Degree in Game Design & Concept Art, looking into doing Voice Acting with open arms.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, and Writer

Hello! My name is Dylan, I am a 22-year-old Gamer on Youtube and Creative Writer since 2016, currently studying Game Design and Digital Art at University, now slowly looking into doing Voice Acting. To me, I have always found beauty in Voice Acting, purely because of the freedom, expression and character it can bring I wouldn't be able to do in reality. I hope to build a hobby out of this, and who knows! Might turn it into a profession one day!  
Please do not hesitate to message me about any potential projects and or roles! I do mainly specialize in low tone British and or rough voiced characters, though I often try my best to voice older teen and North American characters.
I hope you enjoy what I do!    
(Icon made by Dark Draws)
Speaks: english
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