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Search all 5368 voice actor Toonboom harmony profiles
Voice actor that animates!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Animator
Hello! My name is Celeste, but most people call me Eggy. I am a 22 year old nonbinary creator/artist whose passion is voice acting and animation. I have a background in digital media and have loved voice acting ever since I was a small child. I hope you enjoy what I have to bring to the table, cheers!
Speaks: english
Accents: californian
✧Sicle/Max ✧ He/Him ✧ Voice Actor ✧ Artist/Animator ✧ Audio Engineer ✧ Editor ✧ ✧
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, and Writer
Hey there!I'm Max, known as 'Sicle' online. I'm an artist and animator based in the United States, and I've been working towards turning my love for art into a job since 2019. I'm currently pursuing a bachelor's in Film, and want to take a shot at voice acting! I've done editing for short films, along with audio production! I'm excited to get a chance to work with you! Have a lovely day!Art Examples/Past Work:
Speaks: english
Search all 5368 voice actor Toonboom harmony profiles