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I'm an artist of all mediums, looking to create more casual and working relationships with other artists online! Let's see what we can make happen!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Writer
I'm an artist of all mediums (writing, drawing, singing, voice acting, etc). I'm also hoping to start streaming as a vtuber in the coming months, or at least within the year (2023-2024). I've been doing art my whole life and I'm pretty much self-taught in everything I've done, artistically speaking. In terms of a more formal education, I've studied fashion (with an emphasis on sustainable fashion), and I'm currently studying a mix of teaching, mental health, and technology. But at the end of the day: all of my loves and curiosities always come back to art, primarily traditional art made with my own two-hands, with my own voice - art that's human at it's core.
As such, I'd love to meet more human artists of all kinds as I work on my creative career and continue my various fields of study.
Search all 6462 artist Desktop Computer profiles