

Joined Oct 2019 43 Following66 Followers
About Savage_Lords91


First off. my name is Caleb I am a Male, and I am 32 years old as of current.  I started on here when I was 29.


I am new to this voice-over business but I have always wanted to be one for pretty much just about any cartoon, anime, game character, etc.  I am autistic so I feel like my voice sounds very whiny from time to time and when I listen to myself I shake my head in embarrassment at the way I sound haha.  However, my voice may be exactly what you are looking for so hit me up if you are interested.

I can definitely attempt to pull off a more sinister voice because, to be honest, I love to act sinister and I believe I do a pretty good job of it.  I can also pull off a pretty convincing goofball who constantly gets knocked aside the head by both genders as well.

Oh, and one last thing.  I don't have any experience in accents and the proper way to speak in such a manner but I CAN do them.  Just be warned that it may sound like I have combined two or more accents into one :D.


I am a very talented singer as I have been raised in a very musically talented family so my voice is pretty top notch though vocal editing never did any harm seeing as you can hear flaws a lot easier in recordings than you can in person haha.  My preferred music style is upbeat rock but not too heavy.  My voice is pretty centered so I can only go so high and so low.  Go too low and I sound like a completely different person, go to high and I have to start literally screaming to hit the notes XD.


I am an aspiring writer who has always loved creating my own stories, poems, songs, etc.  Whatever it may be, and if I have the inspiration to do it, I will write and write and write until the ideas stop coming.  However, I DO usually need a lot of wiggle room along with a good amount of editing help when it comes down to the nitty gritty.  I am really creative minded but I am limited in my knowledge of punctuation, sentence structure, and word specifics.  Usually I can  manage a great story and I can readjust pretty  quickly if something needs to be changed.  Unfortunately, I can not seem to ever get the right words down on paper.  For example, if I have to write dialog for a scientist I can easily make things up or go based off of the little bit of knowledge I have on the subject.  However, the character is going to sound pretty lame if I am not throwing in constant verbiage pertaining to the speech patterns involved in Scientific minds.

Well, those are my gifts and flaws!  Take it or leave it haha.  Feel free to message me if you have a job for me.  I dont have any rates for work and will work for free if it is a small project but even if it is a larger project and I expect payment you can rest assure that I will work with you 100% on your budget.  Afterall, I AM just starting out and I wouldn't want to sound greedy or take advantage of your trust in my skills.  See ya around!