

Joined Apr 2020 10 Following0 Followers
About Rosellet

Rose is a 22 year old senior at George Mason University studying Computer Game Design. She discovered her love for voice acting through her impression of certain characters in video games, such as Annie and Teemo from League of Legends. Throughout her life, she was told that her voice was very nice to listen to and often soothing to just hear talk. She took the combination of impressions and compliments to her voice and started practicing. Due to her major, she has had several opportunities to be involved in voice acting her classmate's characters with some works either published or in the works of being published (Senior Expo/ She hopes to be able to pursue a career in the field and do her very best. 

  • @trevor-cox

    Hearing a good amount of their work, it's safe to say they have a knack for what they do! Right away you can sense their passion and excitement for the craft. If you're ever considering her as an option, just pull the trigger. You won't regret it.