Roniza Hauk

Roniza Hauk

Just voice acting for fun :3

Joined Jun 2023 0 Following0 Followers
About Roniza Hauk

Hello! I just enjoy voice acting as a hobby and I think it would be fun if I was included in projects in general! I've been part of a few Starship Troopers RP projects already which received a ton of great feedback from the players, but I am also down for anime English dubs or voiceovers or audiobooks! Let's collaborate :)

My demo includes doing a voice operator/answering machine type voice for the SSTRP, and I also have a file (not included in the demo) voicing an upbeat, cheeky pilot also for SSTRP.

What Roniza Hauk is looking for

I love that this website exists as an outlet for my creativity, and I'd love to be able to use my voice for your projects! I’m down to voice act female roles, voiceovers, audiobooks, etc :) This is just a fun hobby for me so I am pretty open to trying anything!