
Joined Feb 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About Piston

Hello there! I go by Piston, I'm fairly new to this type of voice acting scene but I've been putting on performances for years now! DND and other tabletops inspired me to test this skill and I'm excited to apply it to new projects! I do have a day job as voice work is a hobby that I'm passionate about so I'm not available in the afternoon/ early nights on weekdays. I work 2-10pm CST (14:00-22:00 CST) but I will always try to respond as soon as I can!


If you'd like to get ahold of me, my Discord ID: PistonWasTaken or DM me for my email~


Equipment: Rode NT1, Focusrite Scarlet Solo, Fully soundproofed room with no background noise or echo


I can send files at 44.1k HZ 16 bit .MP3 format and 44.1k HZ 16Bit .Wav Format

What Piston is looking for

Fun and exciting projects that I can lend my voice towards!