

Hi! I'm Mysty and it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm a skilled, but green writer and VA, slowly and steadily making my way downtown. I'm also a familiar to an all powerful djinni (find me on twitch and youtube as "Mystydjinn"). My messages are open to inquiry, just don't

pop into my twitch/youtube ch

Joined Oct 2021 1 Following0 Followers
About Mystydjinn

I've a wide but shallow breadth of knowledge on organizing large projects from numerous sources (running clubs in college, simply studying what I can).

  • If you like ttrpgs, or just roleplaying with your friends, I'm actually finishing a completely free one I've been working on for close to 3 years. The links to the document is my carrd too. 

  • This link is my main blog and still works for now, but due to policy changes regarding "A.I." it's no longer being updated. Tumblr is my currently most active platform, followed by Bluesky, & Mastodon. I'll update this as soon as I'm able.

I like original projects more, but will do some fandubs on a budget or free on a case by case basis.
I'm also focused on taking mostly VA projects mostly atm, as I've still got an unexpectedly large commission I need to complete.