
A Welsh voice actor with a dynamic range and excellent work ethic

Joined Apr 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About JG_VA

Jamie is a semi-experienced voice actor whose talents have been showcased in a number of independent projects. Most namely, his role in Fallout London (unable to name the character at the date of writing).

Having a deep, buttery-smooth voice with a sensual Welsh accent has given Jamie the opportunity to show off his natural voice on numerous occasions. However, he has a talent for different voices and accents that has allowed him to embody whatever character is put in front of him.

Please consider making him an addition to your next project.


Rates are calculated taking into account a number of factors:

  • Budget (Allocated to voice acting specifically)

  • Time (Desired timeframe for lines to be completed)

  • Workload (The number of lines)

  • Purpose (Independent, commercial