

Hi I'm yoshi I'm not using my real name for personal reasons anyways I'm an actor only in my college tho I'm 16 and a half the director for this series I love pokemon and power rangers so i thought I would put them together but as minecraft anime version it sounds wierd with that but with the help o

Joined Jul 2023 2 Following19 Followers
About Yoshi

I'm a 16yr old who is creating a series to help with my voice acting skills but only directing till I have the money to get recording stuff

What Yoshi is looking for

  1. Age 15-18 

Body actors - 18 people 

Voice actors - 18 people 

Editor - 1

Animator - 1

Audio engineer - 1

Auditions start from today till next Friday 10.30am - 5.30pm 

Luna-" hey! Get back here oh why I outta uhh''-  (angry) 

Marshall:" ahh ur tough one huh" laughs

Klan-" You may think ur strong Blake but it's what's in here that counts" - concerned