

Just a writer and voice actor looking for projects

Joined Jun 2019 0 Following0 Followers
About Coolkitten

Heya! I'm Static. I've been writing creatively since I was 10 and I'm 21 now. I try to write deep and thought provoking short stories when I do write. I am also trying to be a voice actor. I've never done voice acting, but I've always been told I'm a very good story reader. I do like to draw, but only on paper for now. Might move into digital later on in life


It just depends on the amount of work I have to do

What Coolkitten is looking for

I'm looking for voice acting roles and to write for others. Please be patient with me, I have anxiety and get overwhelmed a lot (Part of the reason why I don't have a job). As long as I know what to do and you will guide me through it, I'll be more than willing to work :3