

Joined Dec 2020 1 Following0 Followers
About CarleighJay

oh hello~ 

A glorious moment to meet you, friend!

You can call me Carleigh

I'm an aspiring voice actress and am hoping to be able to work with you and many others on some projects together!

I'm a server at two different bar/restaurant establishments on the East Coast of Canada and on my off time, I twitch stream, do whatever voice over work I can, read quite the amount of yuri manga and watch shoujo-ai anime

I'm in my late twenties, had dabbled in amateur voice over work on and off since I was eighteen and recently something clicked, and I have it in me to finally attempt pursuing this as a true gig and hopefully be able to make a living at it someday as I sharpen my skill and hone in on my potential talent.

My dream is to voice in a Tales of franchise game, or be in as many yuri anime as possible as they get translated to the big screen from the manga I love.

Luci Christian, Tia Ballard and Laura Bailey are all my inspiration and I hope to be able to be as diverse and play as many characters I love in the near future.

Feel free to contact me to inquire about me voicing for you!

Discord: Carleigh Jay#5452