Ryan Plays

Ryan Plays

oh uh hi

Joined Nov 2021 13 Following8 Followers
About Ryan Plays

Heyo, name's Ryan, been a bit of an actor my whole life because my elementary school forced me to do Christmas musicals every year. But hey now I actually really enjoy it. So...yeah that's it
Pronouns are He/Him, I'm 19, and I hope...that maybe in the future I'll think of more stuff to say

What Ryan Plays is looking for

Right now, I'm mostly doing this for fun, because I love acting. I've done it since I was a kid. But maybe one day I could turn it into a career. It's definitely gonna be a while until I get to that level; if I do at all, but who knows? Life works in weird ways after all.

  • @eminms

    Genuinely a KING, Ryan is absolutely stunning to work with.

    Ryan truly knows how to play any character with absolute peak performance, and not to mention how unbelievably good he is at providing a wide variety of takes. This man could give you absolutely anything and everything you desire in the voice acting field, he takes guidance flawlessly, knows how to put on a good show and never disappoints. I would recommend Ryan to absolutely anyone needing any kind of good voice. 

  • @zontack

    Yo it was like getting in to the role with incredible accuracy

  • @cranberrymelody

    Ryan is somebody I have worked with on multiple projects both as the manager and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with him. He delivers exceptional performances no matter what and is not only on time but also lovely to talk to and work with. To say I would recommend him would be an understatement.

  • @MusicLife365

    I met Ryan working on Tetro Danganronpa: Pink. Ryan is quick to turn in his lines as well as doing multiple different takes to display different emotions. Ryan has a fun range for his role, the acting couldn't be stronger, and is a wonderful actor, and a pleasure to speak to both as an actor and an individual. I would recommend him for any project you need actors for, he would make one hell of an addition for anything. 

  • @BrutherJoker

    I met Ryan a couple of months ago, and let me say, HOLY COW, this dude is so good I can't explain it in words, from Tetro, he fits his character so well, and he is a blast to hang out with, as well as playing games, He's a fun guy to be with, Highly recommend.

  • @jubfeathers

    I directed Ryan during the production of Tetro Danganronpa: PINK over a nine month recording production period. During production, Ryan showed an incredible amount of dedication to the project, recording incredibly regularly and staying far ahead of his deadlines at all times. The lines Ryan delivered were expertly done, showcasing a wide range of ability in his acting. Ryan also regularly sought out live direction to improve his performance and was consistently receptive to feedback. Furthermore, Ryan showed great involvement with both the project itself and his fellow staff, demonstrating a strong ability to work with others and a willingness to dedicate himself to his work. I would highly recommend him to any prospective directors considering him for a role in their project. 
