Callie Blair

Callie Blair

Multi-faceted and Highly Creative VA Doing Their Best

Joined Feb 2024 0 Following1 Followers
About Callie Blair

Greetings and salutations to all who come across my humble little profile!

My name is Callie Blair, and I am a brand new voice actor, but I am extremely familiar with acting, creative writing, and directing creative projects! I've been doing Theatre, both musical and non-musical, since I was a young child, and I have a hefty resume of productions under my belt. Additionally, I am a well-seasoned creative writer, ranging from short stories to novel-length projects, and with a few awards to show for them. I have written, directed and produced an original play, performed at my local high school, and have co-directed multiple other shows. I am a highly creative person, immensely enjoying video games, cosplaying, photography and collecting in my free time, and a long-time watcher and lover of countless YouTubers and projects.

Thank you so much for reading about me and my passions, and I hope to get an opportunity to work with you in the future! I am going to attach my handles to the bottom of this text section to ensure that they're visible, as I'm still getting used to this site.

Discord: dreamimpossiblethings

Twitter: @savewhatwasmine

Instagram: @thepersonwiththepanels

Tumblr: outsidenonexistentlines