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Hey folks, I’m here to entertain the masses and do my best in the work. Art done by Astra_Soul Bisexual _crispyonion
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Live Actor
I live in the USA and have moved around when I was little but now I currently live in the Midwest. 
I got interested into acting by joining a community theater, afterwards I felt it was a fun experience and I liked how we can make characters come to life. I also joined my high school theater club and have done all 3( gonna have 4th but was canceled by the pandemic.). I will do my best to help give what I project I'm in a fun and lovely experience.

I'm taking classes to learn these experiences at Closing credits from emotions, warming up our voices, and many more way to help us improve ourselves for the talent. To feel our characters situation to feel it drip out to a nice glow of personality for them to become alive.

I hope we'll get along well and succeed together, from an aspiring actor: polkaking237 or Polka for short.
Accents: southern
Voice Description: male young adult
Skills and Interests: audacity basics
Blending psychology and anime.
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
I'm a former anime abridger who's using their skills to create new content on youtube. I've been a creator for 9 years and I've created and ran several webtoon projects. I also have a tiktok platform of over 114k followers. My youtube channel currently sits at 1.3k views. My webtoon currently has 2.4k subscribers as well. My goal is to find voice actors for my new youtube channel and have play multiple characters that include female and male characters. Thank you for reading and best of luck! Also, check out my videos!
Speaks: english
Search all 7857 writer Acer Laptop profiles