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Search all 2833 voice actor northumbrian profiles
Professional full time Corporate & Commercial VO, here to broaden my client base & expand my character repertoire.
I am a Voice Actor
Hi, I'm Garry Vandeen Smith, a full time voice actor working out of my own studio & dedicated vocal booth. I trade as
For the past 25 years my voice & knowledge has been exclusively used to sell, promote, train & explain industrial electrical & factory automation products. Working with key European & UK manufacturers, such as Siemens ABB G.E. MK etc.. Since retiring in early 2021 I've transitioned to independent voice acting full time, and am here looking to broaden my repertoire & hope to include more comedy & drama roles on my resume.
What I can do for you:-
If you're looking to break into the European/UK/USA markets & perhaps English isn't your native tongue, then I'm happy to offer advice, and give guidance for your script with regard to grammar, pacing, punctuation etc. This will help to ensure your message is co...
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult male senior
Sing your heart out is what she said to me~
I am a Voice Actor
Trans female VA, I've been voice acting for the better part of 15 years, I've been on radio and featured in projects such as the Skyrim Mod: Interesting NPCs as well as voice over for several youtube productions such as some of the Black Desert videos by Orbit. 

I'm excited and eager to pursue the passion of lending my talent to your projects and bringing your ideas to life!
Speaks: english
A voice talent with great range and improvisational skills, ready to help bring your characters to life.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Writer
I'm a voice talent based in Melbourne, Australia who loves nothing more than diving into a myriad of fantastical worlds and bringing characters to life. I love telling stories and run fortnightly sessions of role-playing games, which we stream live on twitch via Act Accordingly. My voice lends itself particularly well to more 'refined' characters, but I have travelled a large portion of the world and have a knack for emulating accents. My dream would be to portray a notable anti-hero or villain.
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor and Writer
Amateur VA - Fantasy WriterGreetings all, I'm Angus. My dream is to become a professional voice actor one day for animation and video games like Spyro. I dream of voicing Malefor.
Setup: audacity
Hello, my name is Daniel (pronouns he/him), and I'm 19 years old. I'm a professional baritone voice actor :)
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Hello, my name is Daniel (pronouns he/him), I'm from Denmark, and I'm 19 years old.I'm a professional baritone voice actor, specialising in voicing your original characters with (or without) strict/specific requirements. Due to my years of experience in the field of voice acting (9 years, as of writing), I have a very wide tonal/emotional variety that I can imbue the characters that I voice with.I'm fluent in English and Danish, and am able to mimic the vast amount of accents associated with those 2 languages.The equipent I use: My microphone of choice is the Shure SM7B, as I feel like it's just the "Go to" microphone for the type of work I do. I have it plugged into a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 gen 3 via XLR, which I'm not too shure I'd actually recommend, but let's not get into that here. All of my recordings are made in my acoustically treated home studio.
Search all 2833 voice actor northumbrian profiles