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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Depending on the service you're looking for, I have broken down my bio into different sections.

I am open to doing multiple roles on a single project or more, provided it doesn't clash with my other work. 
Formal business enquiries can be sent to derelictcountry @ gmail (dot) comI can also be reached via Twitter @derelictcountry or on Discord DerelictCountry#7982***

I've been producing my own Machinima both in house and with others for over three years. I have made projects in several different titles but my primary game series that I use is Halo. 
I have four controllers on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One. I have all armour unlocked for Halo Reach on four profiles and on the Master Chief Collection I have...
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: voice acting
Hello, my name is Daniel (pronouns he/him), and I'm 19 years old. My voice is a bit on the deeper side, although i have trained myself to change my voice to verious pitches.
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
My voice ranges from very "high/low" voices to "deep/sinister" voices. Some impression voices i can do are Stitch, Mikey Mouse, Bane (Batman), Gollum (Lord of the rings), Morgan Freeman and many more. I am also very fond of changing accent for different acts, some i have perfected are southern, Irish and British, but i have No problem learning more, and i see my self as a quick learner.Most of my experience in the field stems from voicing various Danish adverts and minor acting roles.Other than that my training includes a lot of theater work, and parts in various unpaid roles.The equipent I use:My microphone of choice is the Shure SM7B, as I feel like it's just the "Go to" microphone for the type of work I do. I have it plugged into a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 gen 3 via XLR, which I'm not too shure I'd actually recommend, but let's not get into that here. All of my recordings are made in...
Search all 6785 live actor slovenian profiles