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Search all 1027 live actor Samson C01U PRO profiles
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, and Live Actor
My name is Justin and I love talking in different voices. I would like to challenge myself and put all of that talking to good use. I'm also very creative so I would enjoy being involved in other people's creative projects.
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
An experienced theater actor, however a new voice actor! I'm 18, out of high school, and ready to get out into the world! Will have a video demo out soon 
Speaks: english
Actor. But I make mouth noises instead.
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
DISCORD  kure_naw
Roleplayer | Grumpy Otaku | Frohawk | Degen | Paklin Nash on NoPixel Business: [email protected]
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
I'm Patrice! known on the internet as nerdypatty, 28 years old.I am a streamer, Roleplayer, and aspiring voice actress based in Texas.Paid projects preferred.Non-Union, on screen & voice actressPrevious work: Crowd reactions for Broboya - Song ProjectReel Work in progress
Speaks: english
Search all 1027 live actor Samson C01U PRO profiles