

Joined Aug 2022 11 Following15 Followers
About chiaisjustchia

When writing, everything I want to say just flows naturally - but when I try to talk: I mumble, stutter, forget the words I want to say, say things I didn't mean-

Then at some point, my voice started to crumble when trying to be louder + it would hurt after talking for not even that long and as I realized that since forever, I did nearly everything you could possibly do to harm your voice (drinking too little, talking too little (=no exercise), whispering, caffeine (coffee; drying up vocal chords) I thought:
"Hey, maybe, just maybe, I should do something about it?"

...And here I am now!
When I'm not too socially anxious to submit something, I try to submit casting callĀ  lines I use to practice every now and then and I can already say: My voice sounds like a voice again.


I'm very cheap!

Meaning I charge nothing.

What chiaisjustchia is looking for

  • Drawing characters in cute anime styles [Digital, Krita]
    REFERENCE for my drawing skills

  • Designing cute characters

  • Writing melodies for fun (mostly soft piano) [digital synth in DAW]

  • Perhaps voice acting some characters for fun and mainly exercise (NOTE: I'm by no means professional)