Dan Zsolt

Dan Zsolt

Inexperienced but keen, punctual, and willing to give every opportunity my best shot. Available for short and long term projects :)

Joined Nov 2023 5 Following15 Followers
About Dan Zsolt

Hi Dan here, brand new to the voice acting world but have a natural skill for voices/characters, and have developed it privately my whole life. I am autistic so this is a safe space for that and any anxiety sufferers, so please don't hesitate :) Message here or Discord: dan_zsolt. Whatever you prefer.

I have upgraded my setup so can now perform roles at home, can also book into a studio I know if required.

Note: there is no social media attached because I dont really have any.

Thanks :)


Free, just looking for opportunities

What Dan Zsolt is looking for

Voice acting work on any video games, animated series, YouTube series, any project I feel I could provide a great performance for.