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I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
Hi I'm Kam.
Skills and Interests: voice acting
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
I am a long-time animation admirer and advocate in all of its forms, and have always been testing the waters of voice acting but have been taking my time to shape and hone my vocal instrument. Primarily I have experience solely around community and college-level and wanted to earn and work towards accumulating more real-world experiences to help create more depth to my characters and writing. Recently moved to NYC and got heavily involved with the New York UCB Theater community and was spending nearly every week at the training center completing the Improv and sketch writing curriculum where I feel I gained a lot more structure and grounding to not make a silly character that's weird for weird's sake but to also always be investigating my character's motivations and desires and adding as much specificity as possible. Feel fairly confident as an improviser because I have performed it l...
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Video Editor
I'm a voice actor from Brooklyn, New York branching out my skills to play characters for any projects around. Recently started looking into doing this in late 2020 with a home studio set up this year. 
Voice Description: male adult male teen
Skills and Interests: skype
Actor/Puppeteer jumping head first into the world of voice over
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Having worked for over a decade in theatre and TV/film I wanted to explore a new part of the industry. I had always been drawn to animation and much like puppetry, it always surprised me how empathetic an audience can be to an object or drawing. I am now investing all my time into voice-over and performance-capture training in the hope of working with some of the leading game studios.
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
Hello! I am a rookie voice actor hoping to pursue a further career in voice acting. I am from Texas and I am AFAB. I don’t mind DMs and any tips you may wish to provide. Personal InfoI am a neurodivergent, hispanic minor. (HE/HIM/THEY) . My voice is way more on the androgynous side, But I focus in younger sounding voices rather than my own. There is one noticeable drawback with my voice which is my speech impediment. It’s a more slurred mumbled speech which occurs when I’m talking too fast mostly. You can hardly notice it when Im using younger sounding, childish voices hence why I use those most.
Speaks: english
Wayne. L
A high male voice actor eagerly awaiting his next gig.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Starting at the age of 9 Wayne has been a regular performer starting with the stage. Continuing on with high school plays, then transitioning to on camera acting, but even in his kindergarten years he always had love of voice over acting thanks to the cartoons he would watch. Now into adulthood, his interests have not changed a bit in continuing his crusade into professional acting, even if he turns 100, he doesn't plan on stopping yet. In his rare spare time, he enjoys playing video games, watching animated movies and shows and even drawing cartoons which can be found on his deviantART account( He believes that staying in touch with your inner child is the key to a happy fulfilling life.
Speaks: english
Exhausted STEM student pitching in a voice
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Animator
Animator, sculptor, artist, puppeteer, and frog keeper. Doing some fun stuff on the side of being a STEM student.
Voice actor, actor, puppeteer, narrator
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Live Actor
I am a drama teaching specialist, voice actor, audiobook narrator, actor, storyteller, and puppeteer. I have a BFA Honours in Theatre Performance and a Bachelor of Education. (OCT). I have been an elementary school teacher for 15 years, and a performer for 30, and at the heart of all I do is storytelling. I have always been complimented on my read-aloud voice and I take pride in using my vocal talents to engage listeners and demonstrate a character's story arc and emotional capacity using expression, quality, and tone. I have long desired to become a voice actor and look forward to delving into this area of performance in my career. I'm professional, knowledgeable, willing to learn, and take direction and feedback well,. I hope I can lend my voice to a wide variety of new works!
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
Search all 4088 voice actor puppetering profiles