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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, and Writer
I am back and active once again!had some email problems but now it's all sorted out!
Thank you so much for your patience <3

☽✪  FakeTsuki  ✪☾

I have been acting from a young age, but have only been pursuing this as a hobby/career since 2012. I am able to adapt to styles if need be and am okay with guidance to grow!
My singing range is SAT.
Having an androgynous voice gives me much more of a variety and range!
I am able to act all the way from a cute child[male or female] to a sultry, seductive woman.
I am also able to voice monsters, men and extra voices via programs and am able to tamper with my own voice if needed.
If you have an questions or want to scout me for a project, shoot me a pm!
Accents: english
Lady Belles-lettres
A gal who loves to write stories and make music. I can help to voice act and compose for your project! My website:
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hi, I’m Lady Belles-lettres! You can call me Belles. I am currently working on my debut video game called Ballad of the Midnight Man.Game dev, writer, composer, voice actress, artist and YouTuber!
Voice ActingI'm best at voicing characters with mid-range or high-pitch voices, but I'm happy to take the challenge of voicing characters outside of my comfort zone and increase my ability to voice a diverse range of characters. My favourite types of characters to voice are those who are... let's just say "extra". This includes crazy killers, excitable and bubbly characters, posh and arrogant characters, terrifying eldritch abominations and many more. 
ComposingI would also love to offer my composing skills for your projects! I have been studying music theory and playing the piano for over 16 years. I also compose my own music and post them on various social media sites, which includes...
Search all 2074 video editor utau profiles