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Hello, people of CCC I'm glad to get the chance to work with whomever takes me on to their project. Any work is good work in this industry and I'm more then happy get my foot in the door somewhere.    
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hello, my name is Messias Legere-Costa and I am a Canadian born voice actor. Well a more accurate statement would be is that I'm trying be become voice actor. I have been on CCC for some time now but I did not have too much involvement up until 2 years ago. A few tings about myself, I love D&D being a DM for 4+ years now, avid enjoyer of video games, Miniature painter/printer, and most other things that fall somewhere in-between all those things. My credits on work I have done gotten four roles in the time that I have been on CCC but only two of them have been actively worked on one of them being a fan dub of Your turn to die as the character Meister ( As well fan dub for the visual novel I Was A Teenage Exocolonistg as the character The Overseer (
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
Skills and Interests: 3d printing audacity painting
Search all 3412 singer 3d printing profiles