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I JUST LOVE voice acting♥ ♪ ♪
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Heyyy! I am Lunx! An actress, singer and voice actress.Acting and singing are my passions, even more if I CAN FUSION BOTH❤️💚I can sing in multiple genres (Opera, pop, rock, rap) in low or high pitchThe same with my voice, I can do and create different kind of voices; from childlike (boy and girl) and high-pitched voices, to very deep and sexy tones, just ask and I make it real! I am open to create whatever you want together. Take a look to my demos! Right now, I am the voice of one of the recurrent characters in the videogame "Tender Lovin' Cannibal" based on the famous youtube series "Spooky Month"Spanish (native) and English (C.1 advanced level, completely fluent) are my two languages and I can work with the one of your preference.🐊💥🐺 Give me a job and consider it done! You roar, I act!
Sofia Bonito
Young, practicing voice actor available for your next project - let's make magic!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Voice Description: female teen
Search all 3157 live actor venezuelan profiles