

Voice Actor | Video Games | Animation | Commercial | Let me help bring your ideas to life :)

Joined Apr 2022 15 Following13 Followers
About Robbie

Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by! I'm just a 22 year old trying to live the dream of voice acting. Feel free to contact me on any of my platforms. I look forward to any and all opportunities!


Varies from job to job but you could expect $0.20 a word

What Robbie is looking for

I hope to one day make a career out of voice acting and I joined to help start said career. Specifically, to work on either animation or a video game would be amazing!

  • @It_Is_Thom

    He had a really good audition, but when we brought him on board, He blew it out of the water. A great actor, easy to work with, and they really know how to bring charismatic characters to life!