

Joined Oct 2019 98 Following192 Followers
About MaryStan

Hello there! You may call me Mary. I've held various jobs in the past but I am now a (*cough*) thirty-something language student, tutor and voice actress based in southwestern France. If you think I would be a good fit for your project, please do not hesitate to message me directly and see whether we can create something together!


Flexible. Open to unpaid projects if they are non-profit and fun/relaxed, (e.g. student projects, game jams, etc.), though paid projects are given priority in terms of scheduling.

What MaryStan is looking for

Mostly character work for original projects.

  • @cu-na-saoirse

    MaryStan approached me during a casting call for a modding project titled NCR Marines. The project was to bring a new type of NCR Trooper - Marines - to the world of FNV but with a twist: They aren't the Marines we know and love today but instead are penal soldiers that often sent on suicide missions. These Marines come from various backgrounds: Deserters, indicted civil servants, former Raiders, former Brotherhood Paladins. MaryStan played the Female Former Raider voice type, and I'll be direct: She did an amazing job.

    Her accent combined with her great microphone quality really brought these ruffians to light, and sold me on the idea that these were hardened bandits who didn't give two sh*ts on rules and regulations. Her shouting in combat was very realistic as well, with labored breathing when bullets are flying and realistic shouts of pain when hit by a bullet or slashed by a knife. Indeed, MaryStan is a great voice actor and definitely deserves consideration should she audition for your project.

    Also, as a side note, this was apparently one of her more vulgar roles as she had recounted to me in a DM how there was a lot more cussing involved than she was used to but what impressed me is that she had no issue with this. I've worked with a quite a few voice actors in my life, and a number of them have had issues with cussing in general. One of which refused outright to even speak of the word in question. MaryStan took it all in stride and that alone told me that MaryStan is a professional when it comes to this line of work.

    Proof of work received:

  • @lord-krit

    MaryStan is a wonderful voice actress and dedicated. She has provided the main role of Catherine Rivers, giving a nice icy but motherly voice and making her character realized. While also providing other lines for minor/extra characters, she has proven to be on time and very communicative. I would HIGHLY recommend her for your projects!

  • @okemian

    Even though it was only a small role Mary-Anne really delivered on the character right from the audition and I didn’t even need any additional takes. Very communicative and helpful!

  • @craftian

    Mary was a pleasure to work with, bringing a high level of professionalism to working on her role as Lilith for Old Blood. She was very organised the whole way through and quality was great. Recommended.

  • @gellert_tv

    Searching for a VA that would fit one of our characters, I stumbled upon Mary who was very professional, kind, respectful of our deadline (even if she's already doing something else) and overall a superb voice actor for your smaller or bigger project ! I 100% recommend her.

  • @thenuiz

    I cannot recommend Mary enough. She is very professional and super effecient with her work. You will ask for a few takes, and she goes above and beyond to make sure you have every variation you could possibly want!
    It was definitely a pleasure to work with Mary. She is a great addition to any project!

  • @shojirrastudios

    Great performer and greatly enthusiastic!
