

Just One Overworked Dude with a Dream | Independent Media Creator

Joined Apr 2022 16 Following15 Followers
About Jafndaegur

Hi there! I'm Jaf, a previous BFA of Creative Writing major, and now just a tired office worker by day. I'm aspiring to prove that small indie-writers don't need a big studio to bring a project to fruition—I hope to see you on this journey of creating stories that everyone can enjoy! 

  • @brian-vedette

    Jaf is a great, talented, and incredibly ambitious creator! They're worth every second of your time and effort! I had a lot of fun working for/with them!

  • @neddy92

    I had the pleasure of working with Jafndaegur on a project. I was blown away, Not just by the quality of their writing but by their boundless passion and enthusiasm. I would recommend them in a heartbeat.