

Joined Apr 2020 6 Following0 Followers
About vesnard

My best skill is the ability to trick others into thinking I'm some high level robotic voice system that can take an order or receive your voice mail. I have previous experience with presentation voice overs, answering systems, intercom announcements, presentations in general (using my voice and charisma to pump up a crowd) and always adopted a professional customer service phone voice that blows you away. Can adopt typical anime character trope voices as well: females any age and young boys.

  • @mister123taco

    Yakitoria (vesnard) delivered promptly and worked well with all revisions. She was good in giving constructive feedback when she saw the rough draft of the project. Yakitoria exceeded all the expectations I had. It was my pleasure to have worked with her.

  • @blueflowmediagroup

    She was very responsive and did great work! Highly reccomended!

  • @orionmagnus

    Vesnard (Yakitoria) assisted me with writing scripts and making up characters for my first demo reel. Not only does she excel in creativity, but she also provides great constructive criticism for each recording I did. Yakitoria takes all details into account when it comes to her work and much like what the other user said on their recommendation, she exceeded all my expectations. It was an absolute pleasure to work with her!