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Robyn Meif. Yeah, you (don't) know the one.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Greetings and salutations members of Casting Call Club! My name is Robyn Meif! I've been voice-acting for a few years now. Most of the projects I've been in had fallen apart at the beginning. Others, I had to leave for reasons outside of my control. Now that life is more organized and consistent, (and because I came out of the closet and changed the name I use), I made a new Casting Call Club account to keep my voice acting career professional, organized, and clean. You might have seen my old account, too! I have been here for a while, so I wouldn't doubt it!
Anywho, let me talk about my work. Ever since I was a little, little, little kid, my mind not yet corrupted by the horrors of the world, I was always enamored by the voices in cartoons, anime, podcasts, and really any recorded medium. As I grew up, I got to see how it worked. Either at a desk in a quiet room, or with a standin...
Speaks: english
Search all 8014 producer Tonor TC30 profiles