Christina Burggraaf

About Christina Burggraaf

Autistic singer, YouTuber, and lover of Sonic the Hedgehog, Animaniacs, Daichi Beatboxer, and Portal!

  • @dimon_cami

    The first time I ever heard Christina‘s voice and the first video I saw from her from YouTube was the Sonic the Hedgehog characters singing the Christmas Canon. And I absolutely LOVED it! Once again, she did an sensational job as Daisy, Peach and Dot on one of my video, Cartoon Christmas Caroling Medley, and McNamara’s Band! 

    I’m especially pleased to have her as the voice of Rouge for my new show, Sonic Harmonic! 

    A very good voice actor, and a exceptional singer. And If you catch a chance to run into this incredible person and watch her videos, you should probably give her a chance to be in your project!