

Profile pic art done by EWolfay on Twitter!

Joined Feb 2021 7 Following6 Followers
About SireAcquired

Hello there! My name is Tony and I am an aspiring voice actor! I formerly ran a very small (less than 500 subscribers) youtube channel and in doing that I became self taught with some editing (not much mind you). Between running that channel and DM'ing a now three year long standing campaign, I learned that I wanted to chase after this dream of becoming a voice actor. I'm excited to begin this journey and I've already met some amazing people in the industry. That's all from me, if you have any questions feel free to message me on Discord with the name of your project and any available roles you'd see fitting me.

What SireAcquired is looking for

I'm primarily looking for voice over work in video games, animations and small projects.