Jack of All Trades but Master of None: Luun

Jack of All Trades but Master of None: Luun

Just getting by! Discord - radiantlun7 / Musescore - https://musescore.com/user/58228903?share=copy_link

Joined Jun 2023 2 Following0 Followers
About Jack of All Trades but Master of None: Luun

Hello there, Luun here! I am an aspiring musician, artist, voice actor, and youtuber! My favorite of the four is music but I would love to make a hobby of the rest! As someone who has just sold both legs (metaphorically of course) to join college, I have no professional equipment. I compose music on my Chromebook using Musescore, create art using IbisPaintX, voice with the most basic of equipment, and I lack a proper Youtube channel. But worry not for that will all change soon, hopefully. 

I finally set up a public Musescore account, now some of my pieces can be found here! - https://musescore.com/user/58228903?share=copy_link