@sinchearylpart time vtuber part time fic lover part time procrastinator
writer + voice actor + artist package! i excell most in creative writing (especifically in fanfiction) and tend to struggle more at pacing when writing scripts. something i'm very much passionate about are characters. the way someone speaks, talks, moves - i like to analyze these things and incorporate them into my work! feel free to hit me up if you need me to write scripts / voice act for you!
discord: chewable#4582
creative writing/one-shots
unless i have specifically chosen your project ,,
first 5k words ~ free
5k+ ~ $0.005 / word
unless i have specifically chosen your project ,,
first 20 pages ~ free
20+ ~ $40 / 25-30 pages (20~30 minute script)
i mainly write scripts and have a lot of experience doing it, but i'm also looking to dip my toes into voice-acting.