

Joined Feb 2020 17 Following19 Followers
About Saviohno

Hi! I'm Savio, a male actor and voice actor from Hong Kong! I can speak fluent English, Cantonese and decent mandarin.  I love bringing characters to life with my voice,  and when I'm acting  I always bring out my 110%!  I have a high to medium voice range and I specialize in playing energetic and silly characters because they're the most fun to play! If you want to contact me, feel free to leave a message here or find me at Saviohno#0161 on discord! 

  • @whatcaniuseasausername

    As someone who works with Savio in many projects, may I say, Savio is a very talented individual and his voice is very unique! He has a light to him that really lights up a character or a project. Even irl, whenever he's talking, he's joking around and just being an awesome person all around! He is incredibly talented and he'd be an awesome person to have join your team!

  • @andy-liang

    As a fellow Fanganronpa Voice Actor, I am fortunate enough to have been working on several projects with Savio. Savio is a professional, talented voice actor that never fails to bring charm and optimism inside and outside of his roles. Savio is able to portray an incredible emotional range in his voice acting skills and is an undeniable talent and pleasure to work with and is a valuable asset to any project that he is involved in.

  • @deleted309537

    Savio is the most outgoing and fun person you'll ever meet. AS HUMBLE AS HE IS, he truly is a talented voice actor and has a large variety in the voices he can pull off, almost perfectly as well. He's quite professional when he needs to be, and I dare say it's quite funny, his two-sidedness. Nevertheless, once you cast him you won't regret it.

  • @bluemouse

    Savio helped voice an enemy extra in my indie short film!

    He perfectly portrayed the role because of his natural intensity, enthusiasm, and adrenaline in his voice acting ability that I need for an action film about vigilantes and triads fighting each other.

    Great to casually chat with, and he communicates well.

    Also, his mic quality is A-0kay, so that's a plus!

    I hope whoever is reading this, he's a great voice actor to cast for whatever role that suits him. Thanks for the help dude!