

Voice Actor for fun

Joined Aug 2020 15 Following28 Followers
About LilSamurai

Hi, my name is Sam or Samurai and I’m a noob voice actor. I want to voice act for big projects one day but to do that I have to gain some experience in voice acting and working with others. So, I’m happy to voice act for any characters you may need if it’s an extra or as a main Character. For voices I don’t really have a preference but probably something I don’t have to completely change my voice for. I don’t voice act as much as I want to so I may sound dead at times, but I’ll still try and make any lines you may want me to read as good as it’s supposed to be thank you for reading

Discord LilSamurai#7227

other stuff


none right now but i’d gladly take it

What LilSamurai is looking for

Comedy/Horror/Action/Fantasy related works 

And for voices I’d like to do some crazy or just hyper character but I'm totally okay with playing any character you may think is best suited for my voice