

Joined Jan 2020 3 Following0 Followers
About QuickBlade

Hi there I'm Quick Blade i'm a new  and aspiring voice actor and im always online im down to voice anything as long its fun and friendly and doesn't have any bad words and cursing. 

  • @mctsts

    I cast QuickBlade for a character in my project "Tales of Glarthford" and had a great time working with him. QuickBlade was friendly and delivered the lines very quickly. I can recommend QuickBlade if you're looking for a voice actor for your project!

  • @louimezdez

    Where do i begin with QuickBlade...honestly if you get an audition from this person and you don’t add them, you are making a big mistake! Quick is a brilliant voice actor. He lives up to his name, being quick at handing in lines, and he is a very funny and kindhearted person. His personality is great. And he can voice act in all kind of different voices! Add quick and your project to will be 1000 x better!

  • @bardic

    QuickBlade is a fantastic voice actor and your biggest hypeman. His performance as Lancelot in LouiMezDez's 'Herobrine' movie absolutely shattered all expectations and enhanced the project to a great level. If QuickBlade is in your auditions, I would entirely recommend casting them.