We have our cast!!!
I am happy to announce the finalized cast for Siren's Call: Escape Velocity!
As Oliver, we have cast Charles Nguyễn! https://twitter.com/SirensCallGame/status/1676033514301534210?s=20
As Violet, we have cast Estelle Son! https://twitter.com/SirensCallGame/status/1675655302606123008?s=20
As Judith, we have cast Phebe Fabacher https://twitter.com/SirensCallGame/status/1673119434389483520?s=20
As Ashton, we have cast Bradley Gareth https://twitter.com/SirensCallGame/status/1674932013541863425?s=20
As Andi, we have cast Maganda Marie https://twitter.com/SirensCallGame/status/1675291189623369729?s=20
As Emil, we have cast Grant Paulsen https://twitter.com/SirensCallGame/status/1674578079555911680?s=20
And we have ALSO cast Savvi Lee as Miss Lawrence (though this was decided before these auditions) https://twitter.com/SirensCallGame/status/1673843284639203333?s=20
To all the amazing VAs that spent their time and effort auditioning for our little indie VN, you have my eternal gratitude. We heard some truly amazing stuff and it was eye opening and delightful to hear ya'lls takes on the characters.
Take care and stay cool!