

Joined Jun 2017 15 Following18 Followers
About MetaStarVA

Hello! I'm MetaMachine. (Meta if you like short names). I'm a 21-year old young adult who is trying voice acting as a hobby in the hopes of doing it as a possible career path i could do in the future. I spend my free time video games, (Mainly Nintendo games like Mario, Pokemon and Animal Crossing), spending time with my brothers (ranging from watching movies to playing games with them). I'm also into online rappers like Epic Rap Battles of History and Stupendium as they are my main inspirations for my biggest hobby: making rap battles! I run a series of rap battles called MG Rap Battles with my friend, Gengo, (short for Meta Gengo Rap Battles! lol) where we make rap battles in the style of ERB with characters we're interested in! (link to our accounts here.)

Soundcloud link

Youtube link

ATM I'm trying to focus on VA'ing and auditioning whenever I find a role I think I'm a good fit for, but I'm always open for any role if contacted and the project and character is something I'm into and feel confident in doing!  (my Discord tag is Meta#9428 as I'm more active on Discord than I am here lol)

Whether you're doing a role for me or you want me in a project of yours, I hope to be involved in great stuff and make great friends along the way! :D


Free! I love doing VA'ing for the fun of it and no payment is needed to get me on board! As long as it's a project I like and have the time to take part in it, I'm game and will listen with an open ear!

What MetaStarVA is looking for

Any chance to shine and get my name out there really! The only thing I don't want is any project where I myself do any swearing in them, as I'm personally not comfortable doing so on my own accord, anyone else doing it is fine as long as it's not me though!

  • @kylerhysmarsh

    Very professional individual and a stickler for quality and perfection. This kid is going places. It was a joy working with them!

  • @king-mewtwo

    Really passionate and an aspiring VA, and so so fun to talk to. I see a bright future for him!