

Hi, my name is Taylor! She/her, 23. Specializes in high to medium feminine voices for young adults, teenagers, and children. Reach past the stars.

Joined Mar 2019 11 Following6 Followers
About Liushe

Hi there! Thanks for visiting my profile. My name is Liushe. Here's a few things to know about me: 

ꕤ 22 years old
ꕤ College graduate with a bachelor's in Psychology
ꕤ Started auditioning for voice roles in February of 2020
ꕤ Main inspirations for voice acting: 1) to help listeners better connect with characters and 2) because it's fun! I've always wanted to voice act.
ꕤ Specializes in high to medium feminine voices for young adults, teenagers, and children. But if the shoe fits...

Ways to contact me:
Liushe#7494 @ Discord
Please use the messaging function here first if you want to contact me on discord, just so I know who you are!

Current projects:
Auditioning for some! :)

What Liushe is looking for

Visual novels, games, fandubs. Anything that piques my interest!