KrisBearTime Artz

KrisBearTime Artz

Just a gachatuber/digital artist that wants to entertain😋👍⭐️⭐️

Joined Apr 2023 2 Following1 Followers
About KrisBearTime Artz

Hello👋👋 my name is Kris, my pronouns are he/him/they/them and I am a gachatuber😁

I mostly just post speedpaints or gacha vids for my franchises, and I’m also excited to be a voice actor😋👍 Despite me still being in school, I love to entertain peeps with my works😆⭐️⭐️💕💕

If you guys want to see more of my stuff, you can check out the links of my YouTube channel and Instagram down below😮:

YouTube channel: KrisBearTime Artz

Instagram: KrisArtz12

Once again, my name is Kris and Im happy to show the world my works😁😆👋👋⭐️💕💕❤️❤️❤️!!!!!!!