

Joined Jun 2021 2 Following0 Followers
About Kittycorntv145

☆Hii! My name is kittycorntv145. I am a:☆
-artist (traditional & Digital)
-Voice actor
-And producer!

I'm also 11- 12 years old, so yeah don't worry I'm not 5 xD.

•••♡Special Skills I have♡•••
I am very good at playing a spoiled brat, making dramatic voices, and being a softie. I mean, if you're looking for a voice actor with those 3 requirements. (I'm also very good at talking fast people in person tell me that all the time xD) 

•••♡How to contact me!♡•••
I send my lines through ccc, and work in ccc. 

•••♡Things required when I cast you for a role♡•••
I don't mean to overwhelm anyone, but if you want to audition for the role and get cast, you're going to need to sign it that you'll be responsible and turn in your lines on time. (You know, that way people can understand how busy I am in school xd)

1. You get casted for role:
Good job! Your talented inspired me! But you've been placed in the waiting room. 

2. You get a contract. 
The next is that you get a contract asking you requirements about your role. This is so I see if you REALLY, REALLY, are going to keep up on your lines. if you don't check 3 of the boxes in the contract, then I get probably give you the role because I understand if you'll be busy.

3.You ACTUALLY get the role!
So you read everything on the paper and you send it to me. After I see what you checked out I'll gladly give you the role!

•••♡Music skills♡••• 
Now I don't have PROFESSIONAL music skills like composing music, but I'm still learning! 👉 check out my first song:

♡have a MARVELOUS day!♡